Pick the 4th picture folder on your computer
Pick the 4th picture in that folder
Explain what the picture is about
Tag 4 blogging friends to do the same
This picture is of Hill with, as he calls her, "Rina"...Karina...my awesome little cousin. Her parents, along with our entire family and their friends, prayed for Karina way before we ever met her or knew her. Her Mom and Dad went to the Ukraine to follow God's plan in their hearts for adoption and He led them to this incredible girl. She has now been with our family for about 4 years, but it feels like we have known her a lifetime. She will do amazing things in her life because she knows and loves the Lord with all of her heart...and we love her with all of ours!!
Okay- I now tag Lauren B, Jessica, Amy D., and Corey (this will help you get used to the blogging world Corey)!
what does that even mean? your 4th folder. You have to call and walk me through this one.
ok so i am not the best. all our pictures are on sams computer so he is emailing it to me and i will put it on our blog. megan m tagged me too so i will post for both of you.
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